When my cousin, Stacy and I first started at Anytime Fitness in March we talked about wanting to try to do a 5K this summer. To some a 5K may seem like no big deal, but to me it was huge. At the time I could barely do a mile so the thought of trying 3.1 miles was daunting. Last week we signed up for the 5K at the Summit Lake Optimist Triathlon & Walk/Run on Saturday 7/28/12. I had no clue how long it might take me and was hoping just to finish. I admit the annoying little voice in my head was expressing fear of not being able to complete it, however that little voice is getting quieter. I decided it's my first 5K and no matter how slow I have to go I was going to finish.
It was actually a somewhat chilly and overcast morning considering how
hot and humid it had been all summer. The sun would peak out from behind
the clouds off and on and it was turning into a beautiful and morning. Stacy and I had decided we were just going to walk and maybe closer to the end try to jog some. Shortly after starting, however I wanted to try to jog when I could throughout the entire race. Even if I only did a few seconds at a time, I just wanted to see how I would do. I went on ahead (although she was never too far behind me) and most of the race I was lost in my own thoughts while on the course. I started reflecting about how far I have come and how good it would feel to walk across that finish line and know that I completed something I never thought I could do. I thought of Toby and my mom, my friends and family and all the people along the way who have been supporting me and how blessed I am to have them in my life. Without Stacy I never would have had the courage to walk into Anytime Fitness let alone join. It definitely would not have been something I would have done on my own.
I thought about my trainer, Kyle who came out to support us on our first 5K. It meant a lot to me that he was there to share our accomplishment with us. What made the day even better were the runners who had already gotten to the turn around point and were heading back. Several of them would say great job and just cheer you on as they went past. Not too long ago I would have definitely been worried about someone seeing me and wondering why a girl THAT big would even think she could do this. I would have been embarrassed and ashamed. But the whole time those negative thoughts did not enter my mind once. Hearing others shout out support and the time of reflection made me realize that most people do want to lift others up and offer encouragement and it was such a waste that I spent all those years unable to do that for myself. I've always been able to cheer others on but I never felt worthy enough to be my own cheerleader. I'm starting to do that now and it's about time!
After the turn around point and shortly after the second mile I knew I was starting to slow down. However, I never once doubted that I was going to finish. I was still jogging a little from time to time just not for long at all. My foot even went a little numb for a short time period but I wasn't about to stop. Once I started slowing down Stacy easily caught up with me. We started our journeys together in March so I was glad that we were going to finish our first race together as well. As we got closer to the end I did have a little burst of energy and was able to jog the rest of the way.
She finished at 48:37 and my time was 48:39. I'm proud of that time. I was very surprised however
during the 5K awards when they had called my name for best time in my age group. I hadn't really been paying much attention to the awards because I never thought I could possibly have a shot at a finishing place. At first I even thought I was the only one in my age group but then remembered they had called a couple names before mine for 3rd and 2nd place. Stacy finished 3rd in her age group so I think we both did great for our first time! We already have another 5K lined up in 2 weeks for the Mooreland Fair 5K. We might have found us a new hobby. I even asked Kyle if he thought it was realistic for me to even consider trying a half marathon next year.....
Inspirational :) I've never been motivated to do a 5K... perhaps now is a good time to gear myself up.