"It has been my experience that God quickly reveals His plans for the year regarding your one-word. That word (be it a discipline, fruit of the Spirit, character trait, attribute of God or even the name of a person) will brand you for life! Every day, you'll be blessed as you experience God revealing to you powerful truth about your one-word theme. Everywhere you turn, there will be new insights and valuable lessons associated with that word."When I read this I thought coming up with a theme word was a great idea and it wasn't hard to figure out what my one word would be: SPARKLE. After Tommy had gotten out of prison and we were trying to rebuild our marriage, my friend Linda had told me several times that I had lost my sparkle. She could see I wasn't happy and that my life seemed to be unraveling. I'm not sure why it affected me as much as it did but I have never forgotten her words and am so thankful for those conversations with Linda.
July |
January |
Summit Lake 5K-June |
Mud Stash--September |
November |
October |
Red Nose Run--December |
As I searched for my SPARKLE this year I attempted and accomplished so many new things that I never ever thought I would be able to do. I started doing boot camps and running 5Ks. And who would have thought that I would be lifting weights. I know I never imagined I'd be able to do dead lifts and straight bar squats. Perhaps the biggest physical accomplishment this year has been Mud-Stash. Being able to complete difficult obstacles made my confidence soar. I also have so much more energy and have gotten healthier. I'm no longer pre-diabetic, my triglycerides went from 254 to 74 and my blood pressure medication has been cut in half. My body fat percentage did not even register in March so it was probably well over 50% and as of the end of November was at 40% and my BMI has gone from 52.4 to 34.8. For the most part I have moved out of the plus size section (except jeans and slacks but I'll get there) and trying on clothes is a lot more fun than it used to be. There have been stumbles as well and I have had to dig really deep within to overcome my fears and insecurities. I have had to face painful events from my past and determine that I will no longer be a victim. I am a survivor and my past will not define me or my self worth.
I still have a long way to go on this journey but as 2012 is coming to close I started thinking about my theme word for 2013. I'm not leaving SPARKLE behind, I think that word will always have special meaning for me. (in fact I'm considering getting a tattoo of something signifying my journey and finding my SPARKLE but I need to find the perfect design--so if you are artistic and creative let me know!) One of the things I have discovered this past year is that I love feeling strong--physically, mentally and emotionally. I have found a drive within myself to want to keep pushing myself to the next level. So for 2013 I want to find ways to EMPOWER myself. I want to stop doubting my own strength and abilities. I want to move past the self-doubt and insecurity I still struggle with and push myself to meet new challenges and face my fears. I already know some of the challenges that I will be facing this year:
1. Meeting with a group and talking about what has been working for me on my journey and sharing tips to help others on their journeys--I'll be doing this on Saturday 1/19/13 and public speaking scares me so it will be a challenge.
2. Complete a mini marathon (New Castle will be holding a mini on 4/6/13--anyone want to join me?)
3. Lose another 62 pounds to get to my goal weight of 160.
4. Continue competing in 5Ks--hoping to improve my time each time and be able to run the entire 3.1 miles without walking.
5. More Mud-Stash!!!
I know there will be a lot more challenges that will surface including bumps in the road that I am determined to view as a challenge and not a struggle. It has been a long time since I've been this excited about the start of a new year, such a big change from last year. I have also realized that throughout this next part of my journey it is important to me to help EMPOWER other people. I never thought I ever had anything of value to offer others or that anyone would ever be interested in what I had to say, but my blog has had 1700 views and so many people have been asking me for advice or tips and have told me that my story is inspiring that I've started thinking maybe I really can make a difference. This coming year I want to use this blog not only to record my journey but to challenge others on their journey. My first challenge for you is to come up with just one word for your 2013 and to use that word throughout the year to start or continue your journey.