Sunday, September 30, 2012

Get Fit Wish List

      My life has changed so much the past few months. I feel like I am transforming into a completely different person and am gaining confidence I have never had before.  I am wanting to try things that I always thought would be fun but never thought I would actually consider doing them.  I have always been too scared or thought I was too fat to try.   So I thought it might be fun for me to write a wish list of some of the things that I want to be able to do as I lose weight, from the simplest things like being able to buy something besides lotion at Victoria's Secret to the crazy and daring like sky diving.

My Get Fit Wish List
  • Buying clothes without having to shop in the "plus size"
  • Wear cute dresses and maybe even high heels
  • Being able to buy something at Victoria's Secret
  • Learn how to swim
  • Take a long country drive on the back of a motorcycle.
  • Go horseback riding 
  • Rollercoaster rides 
  • Bungee Jumping

  • Go Hiking--I would love to go to Brown County or Turkey Run during Fall Break this year but so far haven't found anyone who would like to go yet.
  • Sounds crazy but I want to ride a mechanical bull, probably would need to have a couple drinks beforehand to actually get on one but I think it would be fun.
  • Run a half marathon
  • Hot-air balloon ride
  • Sky Dive   
       Two or three years ago Toby and I were in a summer "boot camp" at our church. At the end of the summer all the families in the boot camp had a special outing to Camp Yale in Winchester where we could do a rock climbing wall and zip line. I thought it would be so much fun to do but I would not even attempt it. I kept thinking I would break the line. I always regretted not even trying it and now it has become one of my greatest desires. I think stepping off that platform will be a huge leap of faith just like walking through the Anytime Fitness door for the first time was.

      I do not want to let fear hold me back anymore. I've let fear take over so many times in my life. Now that I am getting stronger and more confident I want to explore and try things that are out of my comfort zone.  I am learning how important it is to prove to myself that I can do whatever I set my mind to and to keep pushing forward, setting new goals and striving to become happy with who I am.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Mud-Stash 9/8/2012: Challenge Met

     What was I worried about? I was so nervous in the days leading up to Mud-Stash  that I was starting to freak myself out a little wondering what in the world had I gotten myself into. I kept reminding myself to go out there and have fun and try my best, but I admit I was a little (ok, a lot) afraid that I wouldn't be able to do it.  Once we got to Perfect North Slopes and started getting our costumes on  I realized you can't be too freaked out when everyone on your team looks like this: 

Anytime Fitness New Castle Mud Stash Team
Headed to the starting line

And we are off!
I didn't realize how much of the 5K would be uphill. Yes, I know we were at ski slopes but I hadn't thought much about that part, which was probably a good thing since I was already nervous enough.    There were a lot of obstacles throughout the course and they were definitely challenging--some more so than others.  I have to admit though I was shocked at how much I could do, especially the rope ladders and some of the obstacles we had to climb. I never thought I would be able to go up a rope ladder, climb over the log or whatever platform there was and back down the other side. I never would have even attempted it a few months ago. I'd be so concerned about falling or the rope not being able to hold me that I wouldn't want to embarrass myself by trying. But once again I proved to myself that I was stronger than I ever gave myself credit for. 
       Did I fall? A lot!  Did I struggle pulling myself up a muddy hill with a rope?  Most definitely! Did I need help to keep from falling or getting up after I fell? Yep!  Did have an absolute blast?   YES!!   I found myself looking forward to what the next obstacle would be and couldn't wait to try it.   My favorites were probably the water slide and lily pads. The only way I could figure to tackle that one was to lie on my stomach and pull myself from one to the next.                                                 
I did every obstacle except for the monkey bars which should have been a lot sooner in the course.  By the time we got to that one I was worn out! I walked around it but next time I will at least try it. There was also this big metal barrel to go up and over and I just could not get my body on it. I almost went around it and said aloud I can't do this one.  I'm learning not to let your trainer hear you say you can't do something because the next thing I know there was this voice telling me I wasn't going around it, I was going to do it. Thanks Kyle for being that
voice when I'm letting my own voice of doubt get in the way.

 The biggest challenge for me at Mud-Stash was one of the last obstacles.  It was basically this huge pit of thick mud that someone said was like quicksand. I thought it was like being in cement. And I got stuck like I was in cement.  I got maybe halfway through but as soon as you slow down it gets hard to move through. I was not going anywhere. I didn't have enough strength left in my arms to pull myself over to the side or in my legs to even get them underneath me to stand up.  The whole afternoon I had not been self-conscious or embarrassed at all, except for this one.  I know I wasn't the only one who had gotten stuck, in fact, Dale and Kyle had been helping someone get up and through the pit right before I was stuck there-- like glue. When I realized that I was not going to be going anywhere and it was taking not one, not two but basically four people to help get me out, my insecurity was starting to surface.  I kept thinking about all the people who were around. This was one of the last obstacles so it was right in front of the lodge where spectators were watching along with everyone who was finished already. I felt like I was fighting back tears because it was taking 4 strong men to get my fat butt up and out of the mud. I struggled to get those thoughts out of my head. They eventually
got me up standing and moving again. I didn't have much energy left so I climbed over the side and walked through the much thinner watery side that was where we had first started rather than finish my way through the pit.
      I imagine insecure moments like that will be something I will struggle with for a long time. It's hard to retrain your brain to not be so hard on yourself, but I'm finding those moments to be fewer and farther apart.  I am proud of myself for what I accomplished at Mud-Stash. Others had believed in me that I could do it, I just had to prove it to myself and believe in my own strength.  I have no clue how long it took me to finish the course and honestly I don't care.  It was so much more than that for me. I let myself just have fun and enjoy life for once. Tackling things I never thought I could do is so empowering. I really think I proved to myself this time that I do have the strength and determination to accomplish whatever challenge or goal I set for myself.  Mud-Stash was definitely one of the hardest things I have ever done but it was also one of the best. I can already tell that completing Mud-Stash has given me more confidence. When I was working out with Kyle this evening he had me doing that one arm row thing that scared me to death a few weeks ago, only this time I had to squat down and touch the floor with my other hand then pull myself up.  I didn't even think what if I fall nor did I feel any fear.  I already know I will not hesitate to sign up for the next Mud-Stash and whatever else challenge finds me. Who knows, maybe next year I will be one of those helping others out of the cement pit of mud.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Facing the next challenge

            Tomorrow I will be participating in Mud Stash 2012 at Perfect North Slopes. I have been looking forward to this for a while now, but I am also pretty nervous.  It's a 5K with different obstacles (and lots of mud) throughout the 3.1 miles, or check out this link to see for yourself .  In one of my first posts I wrote about fear holding me back and the little voice inside my head telling me I can't. It took me some time to decide to go for it and as the day is quickly approaching  I've been trying to calm my nerves. Why in the world is this making me so nervous?  I know I am afraid I won't be able to keep up with the rest of the New Castle Anytime Fitness team or that I will be holding others back. I have spent my entire life worrying about what others think about me and not wanting to let others down. I have also been so self conscious because of my size and how I look that I've let it hold me back from just letting loose and having fun. I'm not one to go out and do wild and crazy things....(well besides a few times in college but that's a whole other story).... I'm also worried about actually accomplishing the obstacles. I want to do well but can I really climb a rope ladder? Kyle assures me I will do fine and the only thing I will have trouble with are the monkey bars....hello??!!?? rope ladder, climbing  up and over things...I don't have a lot of upper body strength or lower for that matter.  But he's my trainer and I trust him and know that he would not set me up for failure and be completely honest with me if he didn't think I could do this. Now it's up to me to believe in myself to go out there, try my hardest and perhaps most importantly have fun and enjoy myself. Laugh when I fall as I'm sure there will be a lot of slipping and sliding going on. And if there are obstacles I cannot do, try it and move on. Don't beat myself up over it, feel like a failure or worry about what anyone else thinks. I'm doing this for me and no one else. 


To be continued.......


Monday, September 3, 2012

Fourth Assessment: Six months into my journey

       I cannot believe it's been 6 months since I've started my journey. Nor can I believe all the physical and emotional changes that have taken place within those 6 months.  I weighed in today at 249lbs.  I am down another 16lbs and 12 inches. Although I have a lot more to go I am thrilled beyond belief with having lost 86lbs and 47.75 inches--in 6 months! This is an accomplishment I never would have dreamed I could reach especially in such a short time. In fact when I first started at Anytime Fitness, the goal I made for myself for my one year mark (which would be March 21, 2013) was 250lbs. I met that goal today, September 3, 2012.

I am amazed that I am 14 pounds away from losing 100 pounds.  100!!  I know I'm not supposed to focus on the number on the scale and Kyle usually does not set a certain number of pounds as my goal but this next 6 weeks I think we both agree I will be working to reach 235lbs. I know I have been working hard all along but this next 6 weeks I am going to push myself harder than I ever have. I know I am going to accomplish this and that statement alone speaks volumes about how much more I am starting to believe in myself.

    And you know, I think I can finally say for the first time in my life that I am worth it.  I am worth all this hard work. I am worth getting up early every morning to do an extra cardio session (that's another goal Kyle made for me this 6 weeks) or going to the gym every day after work for an hour or more. I am worth all the time I am spending planning meals and tracking.  I am worth making all these changes in my life including no longer allowing myself to be someone's doormat to walk all over. I am worth allowing myself to be loved and I am worth finding true happiness within myself. I have never felt worthy before and finally being able to say I am worthy of something is a huge step forward.