Friday, April 4, 2014

It All Started with Wall Squats and a Stability Ball

       If someone would have told me how much my life would change since March 2012, I would never have believed it. Here I was morbidly obese, unhealthy, unhappy, felt unworthy, didn't believe in myself at all and was fearful of just about everything--and by stepping foot in the Anytime Fitness gym little did I know I was getting ready to turn my world upside down and create a whole new me from the inside out (or the outside in??).  It has been two years since I made the decision I had had enough of being a shell of a person and embarked on a journey to find my sparkle--- I certainly found my sparkle and so much more .  But honestly if my first trainer, Kyle would have told me 2 years ago during our first leg day that I would one day be competing in a power lifting competition,  I would have laughed hysterically and asked if he had gone insane. Oh how I remember my first leg day (at the time I didn't even know there was such a thing as leg day)...It consisted of doing wall squats with a stability ball supporting me against the wall. I had done a couple sets of probably 10 reps and at the end of each set I had to hold a squat for what seemed like an eternity (probably 10-15 seconds if that long). At the end of my second set my legs completely gave out. I was down on the floor and unable to get up at all. Kyle was trying to help me and I was feverishly groping at anything I could to pull myself up including Kyle (sorry Kyle). After finally getting to my feet I remember how mortified I was that I couldn't do something that seemed to be such a simple thing. I was fighting tears and so embarrassed by having everyone in the gym see this 335lb woman unable to stand on her own two legs that I could have easily hauled ass out of there never to return again. My legs eventually stopped shaking and after much reassurance from Kyle that what had just happened was actually a good thing--it meant I was pushing myself past my limit--I ignored that voice in my head that said it was too difficult and I should quit. I refused to run away. I refused to give up. I went back day after day and soon a spark inside of me was ignited that was going to just keep growing stronger and stronger.

I discovered the meaning of leg day and gradually worked up to where I could actually use a bar and do squats. I was stoked the day I got 155# (picture on the left). I had come a long way from my legs giving out doing a wall squat! And now my max is 295# and I'm doing crazy bad ass things like flipping tires, heavy deadlifts and leg presses with a total of 14 45# plates (picture below) that I did recently in one of my training sessions.

     Even crazier is the thought that tomorrow  I will be competing in my first power lifting competition doing deadlift and bench.   I've trained hard, ate clean and have learned a ton about myself. The past two weeks I've scaled back my training to help my body be the best it can be Saturday but it has also helped clear my mind as well.  I have finally realized I am a strong, beautiful, confident woman who has a lot to offer the world--it just happens to include a passion for lifting heavy objects (we shall blame my alter ego I like to call the bad-ass Super Girl for that). Not too long ago I would have thought that power lifting was an unreachable dream for someone like me.    Am I nervous? Sure, I've wondered if I'm anywhere close as strong as the other women who will be competing, but this is about so much more than seeing if I can lift heavier than someone else. This is about proving to myself that I can accomplish things I never thought I could. I've come a long way since that first leg day where I ended up on the floor embarrassed or the first time I tried to deadlift and could barely lift the bar. I keep pushing myself to keep that spark ignited. I have gotten comfortable (and confident) with who I am and don't get embarrassed when I end up on the floor after a workout.

In fact I feel empowered (or maybe I should say pretty awesome since that is what is on my shirt). My point is this....something you may think is an impossible dream can become a possibility once you stop telling yourself  "I can't do it", "I'm too fat/out of shape/etc", "I'm not good enough" or "I'm not worth it". Those that have been with me throughout my journey know that I repeatedly told myself all of those things and much, much worse. I'm here to tell you though when you stop doubting yourself and stop beating yourself up for not being good enough and truly start believing you are strong, capable and "worth it" a whole new world of possibilities will open up. Your dreams WILL become a reality. Dig deep and find your own bad-ass Super Girl or Superman!!